What is Love?

What is love?


Here are some things I have read in the book, The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, that helped me to understand the complicated meaning of love.

"I can't live without you"
"I need your love."
"Do not leave me or else I'll die"

Isn't that sweet?

How will you respond in this situation:
a) aw..I want to have that kind of boyfriend/girlfriend.
b) err...okey...just shut up.

huh..wait a minute..something is wrong..

Is that love? THAT IS A BIG NO NO.

These statements are NOT EVEN LOVE. It is PARASITISM--forcing an individual to love you back and be with you till the end of time because you need him for survival?! what the hell?! NOO!.. It is focused more on providing one's necessity rather than love.

One give's love while the other one receives it..wake up dude! that is NOT LOVE. 'key?

Loving is felt by two people. Both should learn to give and receive. It is not ONLY giving or ONLY taking. It is not a give and take relationship but rather, a mutual relationship where both MUST be benefitted with each other's love. right? :D


So if you wanna know more things about love...
Go now! and buy his book!


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